I’m Jackie, a stay at home vegan mommy of one amazing little girl. My daughter, Zoey, is three years old, a huge Disney aficionado and Minnie Mouse super fan. She’s also the most amazing little helper in the kitchen that a mother could ask for, and so she is… my Minnie Chef.
I’m Jackie, a stay at home mommy of one amazing little girl. My daughter, Zoey, is four years old, a huge Disney aficionado and Minnie Mouse super fan. She’s also the most amazing little helper in the kitchen that a mother could ask for, and so she is… my Minnie Chef.
Zoey has inspired me to foster a healthy lifestyle for our family and our journey begins together in the kitchen. We are a Miami based Mommy and daughter cooking duo who love to create, photograph and eat mostly healthy, plant based recipes. Because our journey so far has had such a positive impact on our family, I have decided to share my story with others. I’m just a mom trying to make a difference by helping families like mine who want a healthy lifestyle and to get their children off to a healthy start in life, leading by example and through a hands on approach.
Welcome to The Minnie Chef’s Kitchen!