
I’m Jackie, a stay at home vegan mommy of one amazing little girl. My daughter, Zoey, is three years old, a huge Disney aficionado and Minnie Mouse super fan. She’s also the most amazing little helper in the kitchen that a mother could ask for, and so she is… my Minnie Chef.

avocado mousse

avocado mousse

Who doesn’t love a healthy little treat that can be enjoyed as breakfast, dessert, or even a midday snack?!  Well, here's one more dose of green just before St. Patrick's Day.  This avocado mousse is an incredibly simple and healthy way to satisfy a light sweet tooth craving and is so versatile that it can be served in a number of ways!  You can enjoy it instead of yogurt, layered with fruit and granola, making it a breakfast parfait.  Or you can sneak in an extra tablespoon or so 😉 of maple syrup or agave and enjoy it as more of a dessert-like pudding.  Or you can enjoy it as a snack topped with nuts, buckwheat groats, cacao nibs, or all of the above and more.  The possibilities are endless and all up to your personal preference—get funky with it!

Servings Prep Time Cook Time Total Time
1 2 mins. 0 mins. 2 mins.


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cold avocado
  • ¾ cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. 
  2. Serve and enjoy! 

Toddler Tip:

Let your toddlers pick out toppings to decorate their mousse! It's a great way to sneak some greens into your little ones! 💪

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